In vielen Unternehmen spielen Gesellschafterdarlehen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Kapitalbeschaffung. Bei solchen Darlehen leihen Gesellschafter dem Unternehmen Geld, um finanzielle Engpässe zu überbrücken oder Investitionen zu finanzieren.
Peter Schmitz
May 29, 2023
4 min read
Federal Court of Justice
DCF processes
Income value method
Beta Factor Expertise
The beta factor is defined as a key figure in finance and capital market theory. It assesses the systematic risk for the risk bearer when investing or investing money.
Peter Schmitz
April 16, 2019
2 min read
Evaluation parameters
Peer Group
Risk Premiums
Beta Factors
Expert knowledge discount rate
Discounting interest rate and cost of capital: Definition, calculation, IDW requirements
Peter Schmitz
Assessment practice
7 min read
Practical knowledge of company valuation
The company valuation determines the value of a company or its shares from the owners' point of view. The theoretical basis is described in detail in specialist literature. This article focuses on practical application issues.
Peter Schmitz
Evaluation parameters
Beta Factors
2 min read
Debt beta in company valuation
Debt beta is the result of the ratio of credit spread and market risk premium. If it is taken into account, the company value usually increases.