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GmbH loans to shareholders: returns, liquidity and tax benefits

Interesting facts at a glance on ►yield, ►liquidity and ►tax advantages of loans from a GmbH to its shareholders.

Written by

Peter Schmitz

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Interesting facts at a glance on ►yield, ►liquidity and ►tax advantages of loans from a GmbH to its shareholders.

Advantages of loans from a GmbH to a shareholder

A shareholder can have various financial advantages when receiving a loan from a GmbH. Here are some of them:

  1. Diversification: A loan from the GmbH enables the shareholder to diversify his assets. Instead of leaving the entire capital tied up in the GmbH, he can grant part of the capital as a loan and thus diversify his portfolio more broadly.
  2. Liquidity: Shareholder loans offer the shareholder the opportunity to dispose of additional liquidity. They can use the borrowed capital to make personal investments, finance other business projects or simply hold it as a financial reserve.
  3. Tax advantages: Tax advantages may arise under certain circumstances. Interest payments on the loan can be claimed as operating expenses of the GmbH, while the shareholder must declare the interest income in his personal tax return. This can lead to optimized tax planning.
  4. Flexibility: Compared to other forms of shareholder participation, a loan offers the shareholder a certain degree of flexibility. They can terminate or extend the loan if necessary and have greater control over the repayment terms.

The GmbH can also benefit from various financial advantages if it grants loans to its shareholders:

  1. Interest income: The GmbH receives interest income on the loan granted, which leads to additional income for the company. This interest income can help to increase the GmbH's profit and improve its financial situation.
  2. Liquidity advantages: By granting loans to shareholders, the GmbH can bring its liquid funds back into the company if required. This can help to improve the liquidity of the GmbH and support its financial stability.
  3. Control over repayment: Compared to other forms of capital procurement, the GmbH retains greater control over the repayment modalities in the case of loans to shareholders. It can determine the terms and conditions of the loan agreement and plan the repayment according to its needs and possibilities.

Recognition of shareholder loans

The booking of loans to shareholders of a GmbH generally takes place in two steps, the disbursement of the loan and the recording of interest payments. These processes should be properly documented and corresponding receipts should be kept. GmbHs in Germany often use the standard chart of accounts 03 (SKR03), as it also contains specific accounts for recording and documenting transactions in connection with shareholder loans. For example, accounts such as "Loans to shareholders" can be used to record the loan amount disbursed and "Loan interest" to record the interest paid. A standardized chart of accounts such as SKR03 enables uniform and comparable accounting, both within the company and in exchanges with other companies and business partners. However, it is important to note that the SKR03 contains specific accounts for various business transactions, but does not directly address the legal or tax aspects of shareholder loans.

Legally compliant structuring of loans to shareholders

In order to structure shareholder loans in a legally secure manner, GmbHs and shareholders must take a number of important aspects into account:

  1. Clear agreements: It is important that the terms of the loan agreement are set out clearly and unambiguously. This includes the interest rate, repayment terms, term and any collateral.
  2. Appropriate interest rate: The shareholder loan should bear interest at normal market conditions. It must not be granted at a disproportionately low interest rate.
  3. Written contract: Make sure that the loan agreement is concluded in writing and signed by both parties. This makes the conditions and agreements legally binding.
  4. Arm's length principle: It is important that the shareholder loan is based on the arm's length principle. This means that the agreements between the shareholders should be structured in the same way as they would have been agreed with an unrelated third party. This prevents tax problems and legal concerns.
  5. Documentation of repayments: All payments in connection with the shareholder loan should be carefully documented. This includes both repayments and interest payments in order to have clear evidence of repayments.

Market interest rates for shareholder loans

There are a few approaches that can help you determine an appropriate interest rate:

  1. External references: Take a look at the current interest rates offered by banks or other financial institutions for comparable credits or loans. For example, you can research interest rates for business loans or short-term business loans. This information can give you an indication of market interest rates.
  2. Industry comparison: Examine the specific industry in which the limited liability company is located. Some industries typically have higher interest rates than others due to risk factors or other market conditions. Find out about the current interest rates in your industry and take these into account when setting a market interest rate and corresponding credit spreads. Here, smartZebra supports you with high-quality capital market data.
  3. Appraisers or expert opinions: It may be helpful to contact a business valuation, auditor or financial expert who has experience in evaluating interest rates on shareholder loans. They can help you determine an appropriate interest rate based on their experience and expertise.
  4. Tax aspects: Note that the interest rate on shareholder loans can also have tax implications. In some countries, there are tax regulations designed to prevent shareholder loans being granted at a disproportionately low interest rate in order to achieve tax advantages. For example, the tax office can assume a hidden profit     distribution (vGA) if the agreed interest rate is lower than the market interest rates. This means that the interest rate set as low is regarded as a reduction in profit and therefore as a taxable distribution.


All of these aspects show how important it is to agree shareholder loans within a clear legal framework and to set market interest rates in order to minimize potential risks.


What are the advantages of a shareholder loan for the shareholder?
What advantages does a GmbH have by granting loans to its shareholders?
How should a shareholder loan be structured in a legally secure manner?
How is a market interest rate for shareholder loans determined?
What tax aspects need to be considered for shareholder loans?
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